Green architecture is essentially trying to establish a more pleasant environment for humans as the wearer and provide added value for future generations who will use and friendly to the environment.

On green building architecture to be found many sources of efficiency, reduction of energy use, improve and ease of recycling, maximizing natural light and outside views of buildings, terrain elekrtomagnetik reduction, improved water and outdoor air quality, while the client feel better because they're embracing the environment clean natural.
According to Brenda and Robert Vale understanding of Green Architecture
• Definition of general
Green Architecture is an architectural paradigm in which attention to and take advantage of the four basic natural elements that exist within its environment and can create a mutually beneficial relationship with nature:
a. Air: temperature, wind, climate, etc.
b. Water: Water, moisture, etc.
c. Fire: sun, heat element, etc.
d. Earth: earth element factor, habitat, flora and fauna, etc.
• Definition specifically
Green Architecture is an architectural paradigm in which attention to the natural elements contained within a site to be used.
Green architecture is an architectural concept that trying to minimize impacts on natural and human environment and result in a better place to live and be healthier, which is done by utilizing sources of energy and natural resources in an efficient and optimal.
The concept of Green Architecture is a design concept by blending the building with the existing environmental conditions, so the existence of the building is not detrimental to the environment. This concept was developed to address the growing number of global warming.
A. Energy saving / conserving energy: Operation of the building should minimize the use of fuel or electrical energy (as much as possible to maximize the natural energy around a building site).
2. Attention to the climatic conditions / Working with climate: Design buildings to be based on the prevailing climate at the location of our site, and existing energy sources.
3. Minimizing new resources: designed to optimize the needs of new natural resources, so that the resource is not depleted and can be used in the future /
The use of building materials are not harmful to ecosystems and natural resources.
4. No negative impact to the health and comfort of building occupants / Respect for site: The building to be built, will not to damage the original site conditions, so that if later the building was not used, the original site still there and unchanged. (Do not damage the environment there).
5. Footprint of the building responds to the situation / Respect for user: In designing the building should pay attention to all building users and meet all their needs.
6. Specify an entire principle - the principle of green architecture as a whole / Holism: The provisions on non-standard, meaning that we can use our building needs.
Green 'can be interpreted as sustainable (ongoing), earthfriendly (environmentally friendly), and high performance building (the building with very good performance).
Which means building green architecture survive and function over time, consistent with the concept that blends with nature without any changes - significant perubuhan without damaging the environment.
B. Earthfriendly
A building can not be regarded as a concept of green architecture building if the building is not environmentally friendly. The purpose is not friendly to the environment here is not only the destruction of the environment. But it also comes to the use of energi.Oleh therefore building green architecture concept has the friendly nature of the surrounding environment, and energy aspects - Other aspects.
C. High performance building
Building green architecture concept has one trait that is not as important as nature - other properties. This trait is "High performance building". One function is to meminimaliskan memenfaatkan energy use by energy derived from nature (Enrgy of nature) and with combined with high technology (high technology performance).
Saving Electricity and Water 30% Up to 50% With GREEN DESIGN
In developed countries, efforts to create environmentally friendly architectural work has been started since the mid-20th century. The concept was born thanks to the awareness of professional designers associated with the field of development, such as architects, interior designers and landscape designers to the importance of environmental sustainability, especially in housing. The essence of green design is the inclusion of environment as an important part in planning the work of architecture.

Through this concept of green design, the designer seems to try to make peace with nature. So, if you will make a home, not just focus on his home course, but also the environment around the home. There are some basic principles of green design, the first energy-efficient. A building must be designed to be friends with a source of energy, namely sunlight. Therefore, the important consideration of air circulation and lighting systems. One concrete step,
for example by making a lot of openings in the house. Able to install windows and doors are large, use a tile roof or a translucent light, and ventilation.
Both water-efficient. Examples of water saving measures such as using a shower in the bathroom. In addition, can also be made water reservoirs in which rain water can be used for daily needs. The presence of green open space could be said to be an absolute requirement of green design concepts. A home or building must have a green open land is overgrown with a variety of plants as a supplier of oxygen. Plants can also function as an absorbent of water, the air becomes cooler, and makes a lovely home. No less important is the management of household waste.
Building and household waste is one of the biggest contributors to pollution of soil and water. Because it is necessary to plan the construction and operation of buildings with great care so that waste can be treated with environmentally friendly process. This can be done by designing the exhaust system are planned. Get used to not produce too much waste plastics, detergents, and providing adequate bins with the number in the home environment. And preferably, removal of organic and non organic waste was carried out separately and specifically, the origin is not discharged to the sewer.
Jogja Green Design
The people of Yogyakarta, the cultural distinctiveness, socio-culture, economic activities, from time to time have sufficient architectural diving activities in line with the principles of the development of environmentally friendly Yogyakarta. In the opinion of the flag-waving Agus Handoko MAA Architecture, among the people of Yogyakarta itself is still there are some who do not fully understand and implement activities architect with reference to the principles of wisdom and environmental sustainability.
The design of environmentally friendly or green design is known as a spirit or spirits, which became the spirit, energy, emotions of anyone who is carrying out development activities. It has been about green design, nor is something that trend - trendy - the style of a building / model.
In design, there is freedom to express all the components of the existing design, but through stages that have been categorized by the design of green, so in turn if it is adapted, terkolaborasi, consolidated, there was a design that does not excuse the style / model.
Green Building Efficiency Syaratkan.
The concept of eco-friendly building (green building) is driven into the world trend for the development of the current property. This environmentally friendly building have contributed to curbing global warming fix the micro-climate. The biggest point in this concept is saving water and energy and use renewable energy. Access to renewable energy in Indonesia is still weak. Electrical energy supply to the property only rely on PT.PLN is not using renewable energy sources.

In addition, the implementation of this concept also shows the properties of moral action actors who care about global warming issues, where they not only think of profit alone, but is also concerned about global issues.
Environmental sell
Agree that this is actually a business orientation to be important themes for developers in Yogyakarta today, although already there are some who begin to not only promote the business aspects alone, but began to align the environmental aspects that had to make a positive contribution to the area that they develop. Then the positive aspects of this are empowered by making a composition between fasum, landscaping, open space with the balance. It became a cultural need. Not only be of practical tips, but the important roles of stakeholders, local government, for example, that it can provide important corridors that will be the patterns through which the developer.
The pilot project area or housing with green design concept that runs as an experiment, is one way that could be introduced to the people who are prone to adopt a residential product.
That the environmental aspects also play an important role in the housing product kelarisan. This has already started in small towns, not just Jakarta, Bandung; kotaMalang, for example, the environment is treated as a maximum by the developer.Expectations of this project is the growth of market response to the product so that the housing style evolved, and not merely forced to just put the business aspect alone.
Indeed, all back on the market. Because this is a matter of taste. People instinctively easy to be invited like something beautiful. If the market has chosen a particular product, any manufacturer will follow. Developer with specific observations, the statistical study of their marketing, will dare to point to one particular product that tastes closer to it.
For example, create a residential area that is not much, but made with the composition of the park and building a model that resembles exactly what is meant by green design.Then the response seen how, price, and others.
Sustainable Architecture and Green Architecture
Green Architecture or "Green Architecture" is an architecture that can bring positive effects for the environment than other architectures either directly or indirectly, such as reduction or sequestration of carbon dioxide emissions, improved micro-climate, and so forth.
Architecture green (green architecture), which is environmentally sustainable architecture and based on concerns about the conservation of natural global environment with an emphasis on energy efficiency (energy-efficient), continuing the pattern of (sustainable) and a holistic approach (holistic approach).
Sustainable architecture or in the Indonesian language is sustainable architecture, is a concept applied in the field of sustainable architecture to support the concept, the concept of maintaining the natural resources in order to last longer, which is associated with the age of potential vital natural resource and ecological environment of man, such as the climate system planetary systems, agriculture, industry, forestry, and of course architecture.
Energy efficiency
Arrangements efficiently to the needs of a residential electric, gas or water it needs.
Create energy
In the long term, residential planning needs a breakthrough to create electricity for the building itself. various sources of energy can be obtained from the geographic area where the building. Some sources of energy that can be further processed is wind energy, solar thermal, geothermal and water all of which can be easily obtained and very abundant in Indonesia.
Efficiency and protection of ground water
Groundwater quality and quantity can be maintained with respect to KDB (Coefficient Basic Building), by following the requirements specified KDB allows yag building has sufficient land for the placement of wells, septic tanks or pit biopori not mencermakan environmentally friendly environment.
IAR shelter dlam rain and dirty water in a centralized building wells to preserve the ground water environment. Wells and holes biopori principle have the same goal which is easier to absorb into the ground water.
Maximizing vegetation and minimize the use of AC
The use of air conditioning in buildings apart can result in waste of energy penggunanan can also lead to the depletion of the ozone layer, which in a very alarming level can lead to global warming and the increase in global temperature of the earth.
Vegetation around the buildings there can help the absorption of carbon dioxide emissions so that on an ongoing basis to help solve air quality problems around the building and serves as a barrier to control the flow of the circulation of fresh air into the building.
Maureen architecture ... or sustainable architecture ... have the same meaning ... that sustainable architecture or buildings that care about the environment ....
A wider sense means the way of thinking that minimize the negative effects brought about in the planning, construction and management of a residential and work to improve efficiency.
What are the considerations to be green architecture?

Creates its own energy not quite popular in Indonesia, the majority still rely on the state electricity company (PLN). In the long term planning of housing ... need a breakthrough to create electricity for your own home ...... energy sources can be obtained from geographic residence. Wind, sun and water, are some examples of energy sources that can be further processed ......
Prioritize the use of local materials, natural materials and waste materials to plan residential development, in addition to efficiency issues also help reduce environmental waste.
Local and natural materials that can be used al bamboo, brick, limestone, stone, sand, etc. ..... which can be included in residential planning.
Wood can also be included in consideration of the type of wood that are fast growing trees, so as not to damage the ecosystem.
Regulation of air circulation, light and utility with effort utilizing the natural conditions as closely as possible for the convenience of occupancy ....... al:
Natural lighting ...... refers to the direction of the wind, in order to obtain maximum lighting. To obtain a comfortable temperature in the room, the placement of canopies, awnings or other type of barrier should be noted, that the use of modern equipment such as air conditioning etc. that suck up a lot of energy can be minimized or avoided.
To obtain a flow of air circulation ..... need to take lessons from building techniques tempoe doeloe, who managed to regulate air flow and good lighting and building structures that are strong and durable .... until now.
Factor that is easily seen because al .... high ceiling and window size, a relatively steep slope of the roof and a wall thickness of the building .... which are all aimed at the convenience of the dwelling.
Efficiency and protection of ground water began to be calculated from the planning KDB / Basic Building coefficient required ..... so still has open space for the placement of wells, septic tanks or pit biopri friendly environment that does not pollute the environment.
Rainwater and dirty water in a residential ..... centered in the wells, to preserve the ground water environment. Wells and holes biopri principle have the same goal, namely allow water to soak into the soil. The difference lies in how the system works.
Creation of technology also participate in the green architecture al;
Clever flush the toilet ..... spend a lot less water than toilets in general, because the faster the water velocity, water treatment llimbah / dirt on its own so as not to burden the environment waterways, pipelines use less so that more economical ... .
Biological filter septic tank, septic tank is made of fiber glass production factory which is equipped with biological filter, and is specifically designed to not pollute the environment, making it more efficient, practical and durable.
Necessary precautions in the choice of modern materials in the shelter .... because it contains materials that do not qualify ... feasibility studies may lead to adverse health effects, one of which is a VOC or volatile organic compounds, which are often used in carpet backing, finishing materials or furniture upholstery and paint the walls.
Application of urban-scale al; seeks to combine the placement of commercial space, residential and office buildings in order to have access for pedestrians, cyclists or public transport, which ultimately can reduce air pollution caused.
Greening not only applied to public spaces, but also on the occupancy itself, which aims to optimize the absorption of water and give added value to the surrounding environment.
The story was only a small part of the green architecture as a whole ..... still a variety of ways and appropriate material .... come on ... was named the architects .... anyone want to continue?
Sources: http://id.shvoong.com/social-sciences/education/1882825-green-green-architecture/ # ixzz1cOCdSyMj
Green Architecture
The issue of global warming has become a major concern of the world, certainly makes you want to participate to keep the earth. Not hard! You can do the project "save the earth" which begins with a simple environment around you. One was to build a house that is friendly to nature.
It would be wonderful if you could make a comfortable home for the residents as well as friends with nature. The concept of eco-friendly homes or are referred to the concept of green architecture, now may be the primary choice for those who care about global warming issues. The concept is also developed in the western world has a meaning that is more than just planting more trees in the yard or putting the roof of the 'green roof'.
The concept of green architecture describes how a dwelling can make energy savings, climate and friendly nature, and respect the land and users.
One of the first things to engage the campaign 'save the earth' is to save energy. Reduce the use of electronic items. The trick, be sure to allow ventilation and enough glass windows in your house, so that the temperature of computers, televisions and other electronic devices does not increase. There are two advantages that you can get from the window glass. First; air can circulate properly house, second; you can save electricity, because it does not need to turn on the lights in the morning and afternoon.
To be friends with the climate, you must first identify the area where you live. If the area has a rainfall and humidity are high enough, Ceramic by using the roof has a slope of 30 º, so that rain water could easily fall down. Do not forget to use gutters to accommodate rainfall.
Friends with nature
Want to renovate? Do not immediately take down the old building because it turns out it dissipates heat and CO2 into the environment. For that, consider your house again. If you still can, stick with the original building.
Respect the land
Maximize the land available to erect a building is a wise action. But you should, do not throw out the existing ecosystem. If the land is forest-shaped with lots of tall trees, do not cut it. Make the most of the tree as a supporting element of your home.
Respecting Users

2 komentar:
lovely and educative writeups
Very impressive and inspiring examples. I hope that all those who are involved in designing buildings and projects to be aware of the environment and place their buildings in harmony with the surroundings.
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