In Indonesia alone we know each other as tropical architecture, but this time it will try to raise about contemporary architecture.

. This term is used to mark a more advanced design, varied, flexible and innovative, both in form and appearance, the type of material, material processing, as well as the technologies used.
Is Architecture?
Architecture are not new, since it used to be the subject of conversation, discussion and admiration are even Sandinista. Until kinipun quite a lot of opinions and the study of architecture. Starting from design methods, theories, through the influence and appreciation of architecture. No wonder the architecture has many and varied definitions. At the time of Vitruvius is identical with the building architecture (including city / fortress, Aquaduct / installation of water) but now the word architecture is also used by other disciplines such as the term "computer architecture", "Internet architecture", "ship architecture," architecture "war strategy" there is even the term "parcel of architecture". In plain terms it refers to the idea or design ideas that will translate into reality.
Specifically, the architecture is the entire process starting from the thought / idea / notion, then become a work / design, and translate into real work is done consciously (not based on instinct) in order to meet the demand for space to accommodate the activity / activities you need and found the existence itself.
This is a natural non-boundary space, the human living space with animals, plants and space for natural objects. Architecture is done consciously rather than intuitively therefore architecture can be triggered only after going through the learning process. Through a dynamic process of learning constantly evolving architecture integral to the development of cultural / human activities. Caves are natural objects, phenomena of nature which later intervention by humans in order to meet the demand for shelter. Thats when I can no longer meet the developmental activities, people began to think to make a shelter, which was developed and finally created the home. Unlike the bird that instinctively create "space" (nest) where spawning and rearing her children from past until present form "nests", nothing has changed both the shape, structure and material.
When humans began to build houses, human nature intervened with the technology. Then, as awareness of the beauty of a natural human instinct, then into the architectural traditions go all the elements of art / aesthetics. When the forces of nature so powerful it will be dominated by the structure of the architecture / technology (eg, Japanese architecture), but when the forces of nature does not significantly affect the architecture is dominated by the elements of art / art (Architecture Europe). In the early heyday of architecture, elements of art become more dominant. In a further development when the industrial revolution and technology into something that really is a group of philosophers of mind likes the view that architecture should be dominated by technology. Even this issue becomes sophist (Ecole de Beaux Arts in France vs. Ecole Polytechtique and Harvad vs MIT in the USA). So, if the architecture is not pure art also does not include group puretermasuk technology group,
Where is the position of architecture?
Architecture rests between them. Art and technology are like two opposite poles and the aspect of value to one other point on it, thus forming a triangle (stable form). Art and technology must be balanced co-exist, like the body and spirit. The architecture is dominated by technology will taste bland, rigid, monotonous it is necessary for art. The architecture is dominated by the art will terasamubazir, over acting and questionable strength. Architectures that do not meet aspect of value to the waste (such as salt is not salty).
Is art in the context of architecture?
Aesthetic value of art in architecture is hard to measure, the assessment of the esteik whether or not something is very relative. But can we simplify the classification of aesthetic categories into: beauty beauty (the formal relationship between harmony danproporsi); pleasure pleasure (the functional relationship between efficiency and comfort); favorite delight (the relation of meaning antaraasosiasi and taste). Elements of art / aesthetics in architecture is not limited to ornament as a decorative element, but the overall form of architectural unity of the real object and its environment. Contours of the structure or building materials can also be aesthetically valuable if they meet the above four categories. With elements of technology, art and values,
Whether the architecture can be called a science?
When is a so-called scientific? If memlilki methods, and systematic truth. Way or ways to seek truth in science is called the method. Truth is the correspondence between penge'tahu'an and its object. Objects, methods, and truth be in the apartment one by one so as to form and shall have the meanings in a single whole.
Knowledge starting from the aspect of use value was initially looked down upon by theorists, especially in the Greek thinkers. Historically, architecture has been developed in the journey of self for the sake of attaining truth, until eventually the architecture of science almost on par with other sciences. At the end of the 19th century architecture was opened as a ministry / department itself so that the profession of architecture is increasingly being recognized (the next grade no longer equivalent to the slave). So, in order to exist as a science, architecture not only must contain the elements of art, technology (practical knowledge) and use-value but must continue to develop knowledge of the architecture itself. Should not be stuck in a quasi-architectural knowledge of truth or knowledge is not the very truth of the architecture.
How can architecture strategy for developing knowledge in the architectural essence of the truth tracks?
Unlike the pure disciplines that tend descriptive - analytical, architectural knowledge is more likely to perspective - a synthesis. Development of architectural knowledge related to teaching institutions / education. Current reality (without looking for scapegoats) were university graduates majoring in architecture generally is a product "practice oriented" or a "handyman architect". As a result, "the architect craftsman" is sometimes lost in the truth of the false architecture. Because it has no basic understanding of the strong asritektur "architect builders" tend to be modeled on an existing piece of architecture, such as a dome shape on the roof and building envelope Makassar Mall Queen then form the building envelope similar to the duplication of forms (Panakukang Mall and the Mall GTC including Final works of that period UNHAS S1) though not necessarily the form of the building envelope is consistent with the context of the physical environment / nature and culture in Makassar (chaotic). As a result there is konsekwesi-consequences to be paid, among others, the loss of typical local architecture (local genius), the dependence on energy (for air conditioning lawyer and lighting). That is unfortunately if the object of architecture is used as an example (considered a truth) was a long time (long term) even cause environmental degradation in which the object architecture that is (apparently false truths).
Model of architectural education that "practice oriented" should be replaced with the "academic research". In academic research activities have included the philosophy of science that can be used as the intellectual foundation for scientific activities.
Used as a design studio "back bone" of teaching at the S1 level, while academic research at this level is the evaluation of the feasibility and efficiency object architecture that will be realized. Thus any decision on studio work per
Image in a separate file
Diagram of the architecture
ancangan based on academic research results so that decisions are taken close to the real problem-solving (perspective and reality). At the S2 level academic research emphasis on sensitivity training to read and describe the actual phenomena are closely (evaluation of post-habitation). At the S3 level, the research emphasis on the ability to look forward. Research at this level are able to contribute significantly to the development of architectural science, where research results can be used as a support for teaching at the level of S1 and S2. Expected to enter the teaching of academic research since its inception, the candidates will be trained scientists architecture both intuitive abilities, analytical, and synthesis in taking any decisions. Decision of the architect must be true and correct, if wrong then it becomes fatal. Substantially constructed buildings collapsed as a result, when used, are not real architecture will affect the environment and local cultural development. Scientists architecture does not make decisions based only on considerations of value to (utilistik; profit-demand) and pragmatic, but by the truth (according to humanize the human users of the natural environment and cultural context). So the philosophy of science (architecture) as its rail and academic research as the carriage will lead the science of architecture in the development of fundamental science. Thus the (graduate) scientists architecture without the slightest sense of nervous and hesitant, work with a full sense of responsibility towards themselves, their environment in real life through the science of architecture.
By doing the architectural knowledge of drawing a continuous basis, we (humbly) can be consciously aware of the existence in the context of the position below: Do you ....
Know that we know about the architecture
Know that we do not know about the architecture
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